Maintaining Your Winning Smile: How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

brushing teeth dental hygiene

Oral hygiene is a crucial component of your overall health. Your smile not only contributes to your confidence but is also a reflection of your well-being. At Currambine Dental, we understand the importance of preventative dentistry, emphasising the significance of regular check-ups and proactive measures in maintaining your teeth and gums. This guide shows you how to keep your teeth and gums healthy and maintain optimal oral hygiene.


Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is the cornerstone of oral health. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing twice daily for two minutes each session to combat plaque, a resilient bacterial layer that adheres to the tooth surface.

A toothbrush equipped with soft bristles is recommended to prevent unnecessary tooth enamel abrasion while ensuring a thorough and gentle cleaning process. Paired with fluoride toothpaste, this combination eradicates existing plaque and strengthens teeth against potential decay and cavities.

When brushing, covering all surfaces of your teeth – front, back, and chewing surfaces, ensures effective cleaning without causing damage. Consider using electric toothbrushes for proven benefits in plaque removal and gum health, especially for children who can start brushing early with age-appropriate toothpaste. 


The Power of Fluoride

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, plays a key role in how to keep your teeth healthy. From the earliest stages of tooth development, fluoride fortifies the enamel and contributes to the foundation of dental resilience. This continues as teeth emerge, as fluoride hardens the enamel, forming a protective barrier against decay and deterioration.

One of the most prevalent sources is fluoridated water, a concerted effort by health authorities to provide a broad and accessible means of fluoride exposure. In addition to fluoridated water, using fluoridated toothpaste effectively contributes to optimal fluoride exposure. Fluoridated toothpaste provides a localised boost to the enamel with each brushing session. 

Choosing the right toothpaste with fluoride is essential, and if you have specific concerns like sensitivity, there are fluoride toothpaste options catering to such issues. These variants deliver the protective benefits of fluoride and cater to specific oral health needs, offering relief and comfort for those grappling with sensitivity issues.


Interdental Cleaning (Flossing)

Cleaning between your teeth, known as ‘interdental cleaning’, is as important as brushing and is often overlooked. It goes beyond the surface-level impact of brushing, into the spaces between teeth, where hidden threats to gum and tooth health may persist. 

Various methods can be employed for effective interdental cleaning. Interdental brushes, resembling tiny, purpose-built instruments, navigate the contours of your teeth, reaching where conventional brushing may not. String floss, a time-tested choice, or flossettes, which have a handle with a curve at one end that holds a piece of dental floss, weave through the interdental spaces, dislodging trapped food particles and disrupting plaque formation with precision. Water flossers (which are akin to modern-day aqueducts) use targeted streams of water to cleanse the interdental spaces, providing a refreshing and efficient alternative.

Despite the emphasis on regular tooth brushing, only 25% of Australian adults clean between their teeth daily, leaving a majority vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay. This oversight, stemming from a lack of awareness or the perception that interdental cleaning is a tedious task, places a substantial portion of the population at risk. 

Incorporating interdental cleaning into your daily routine significantly contributes to healthy teeth and gums. The spaces between your teeth can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and plaque, compromising the integrity of your gums and teeth. Regular interdental cleaning strengthens your oral defences and preserves the structural resilience of your teeth and gums.

Tooth Decay and Dietary Habits: The Connection with Sugary Foods and Drinks 

Tooth decay is primarily caused by harmful bacteria-producing acid when digesting sugar. This acidic environment erodes tooth enamel, paving the way for the formation of cavities and compromising tooth structure. Saliva aids in remineralisation, a process essential for the natural regeneration of tooth structure. This repair mechanism highlights the importance of maintaining an optimal saliva flow, which can be achieved through adequate hydration and avoiding habits that may contribute to dry mouth.

A balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals, contributes to healthy teeth and gums. Minimising the consumption of high-sugar snacks and sugary beverages, such as hard candies, gummy or sticky sweets, orange juice, and carbonated soft drinks, is a crucial aspect of preventive dental care. This helps diminish the substrates available for bacterial acid production and mitigates the frequency and intensity of acid exposure, reducing the risk of enamel erosion and cavity formation. Practicing good oral hygiene, reducing sugar intake, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key strategies in the fight against tooth decay.


Routine Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups are essential for the early detection of issues such as tooth decay or gum disease. The prevailing consensus among dental professionals suggests a routine check-up every 6 to 12 months, which is a general guideline to ensure comprehensive preventive care. 

Regarding children, regular visits allow dentists to monitor the growth and alignment of primary and permanent teeth, identify any anomalies or irregularities, and provide timely interventions such as orthodontic assessments. Dentists can also focus on sharing essential oral hygiene education with children, encouraging habits that will contribute to a lifetime of dental wellness.

For adolescents, dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the emergence of wisdom teeth, assessing orthodontic needs, and addressing issues related to oral hygiene practices that may arise during this transitional period. Guidance on oral care habits, including the importance of proper brushing and flossing, helps adolescents to take ownership of their dental well-being.


Professional Teeth Whitening 

Currambine Dental offers professional teeth whitening services for those seeking a confidence boost and a brighter smile. Recognising our patients’ diverse preferences and schedules, we offer a versatile range of teeth whitening options. In-office treatments, administered by our experienced cosmetic dentistry specialists, use advanced technology to deliver swift and noticeable results. 

For those who prefer the convenience of whitening at home, Currambine Dental also provides take-home whitening kits, allowing you to achieve a radiant smile in the comfort of your home. The personalised approach taken by our dental professionals ensures that treatment is tailored to each patient’s specific needs and goals, emphasising both safety and effectiveness. 


Schedule Your Next Appointment for Exceptional Dental Care 

Maintaining healthy teeth is a lifelong commitment that goes beyond daily brushing. Adopting preventive dentistry practices, including regular check-ups, fluoride use, interdental cleaning, and a mindful diet, will contribute to a beautiful smile and overall well-being. 

At Currambine Dental, as preventative dentistry experts, we are dedicated to providing personalised, high-quality care to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health throughout your life. Schedule your cleaning and oral examination with our friendly and experienced team to ensure your smile remains healthy for years to come.